
In accordance with Law 34/2002, of 11 July, on Information Society Services and E-Commerce, and the rest of the applicable laws concerning this matter, we inform you that the website [ ] (the “Website“) uses cookies and similar technologies (hereinafter, jointly and interchangeably, “cookies“). The present cookie policy (the “Cookie Policy“) is meant to clearly and precisely inform you about the cookies that are used in the Website, property of VREF Seville Real Estate Holdco SOCIMI, S.A.U. (“VREF“, “We” or “Us“), with registered office at street Fortuny 6 4º, Madrid 28010, tax identification number B88482724 and email address

Please note that if you accept third-party cookies, these will have to be removed from the browser’s options, as it is explained below in this Cookie Policy.

We highly recommend that you read carefully this cookie policy and VREF’s terms and conditions of use and privacy policy.


A cookie is a small text file that is located in the computer’s / tablet’s / portable device’s hard drive, which stores information on the use of an Internet website or application.

Cookies enable a website, among other things, to store and retrieve information on a user’s or its device’s browsing habits and, depending on the information they contain and on the way said user uses its device, they can be used to recognize the user, identify him/her and establish his/her browsing preferences. They are useful for various reasons; they allow for the website to function faster and in a way that is more adapted to the users’ preferences, and in addition, they help to improve the way information is shown to the website’s users, as well as to interact with them.

Depending on the cookie’s owner, they can be classified as:

  • First-party cookies: they are those sent to the user’s computer or device from a computer or domain managed by the publisher himself, and from which the website requested by the user is provided; or
  • Third-party cookies: they are those sent to the user’s computer from a computer or domain that is not managed by the publisher, but by a different entity who processes the information collected through cookies.

Depending on the cookie’s duration, they can be classified as:

  • Session cookies: they are a type of cookies designed to collect and store information while the user accesses a website; or
  • Persistent cookies: they are a type of cookies in which the information remains stored in the computer or device and may be accessed and processed over a period of time defined by the owner of the cookie, timeframe which can vary between a few minutes to several years.

Depending on the cookie’s purpose, they can be classified as:

  • Technical cookies: they are those that allow the user to browse through a website, platform or application and use the different options or services provided therein, such as, for example, web traffic management, information or session identification, access restricted content or sections, submit an application for registration or participation in an event, use security features while browsing, store content for video or audio broadcasting, or share content on social networks;
  • Analytical cookies: they are those that, processed either by the publisher itself, or by third parties, allow for the quantification of the number of users and thus the measurement and statistical analysis of the website’s usage by the website users. To that end, an analysis of the users’ browsing the referred website is carried out for the purpose of improving the products and/or services offered;
  • Advertising cookies: they are those that allow for the management, in the most effective way possible, of the advertising spaces that, as the case may be, the publisher has included on a website, application or platform from which the requested webpage is provided, based on criteria such as the edited content or the frequency in which the ads are displayed;
  • Behavioral advertising cookies: they are those that allow for the management, in the most effective way possible, of the advertising spaces that, as the case may be, the publisher has included on a website, application or platform from which the requested webpage is provided. In particular, these cookies store information on the users’ behavior, obtained through the continuous observation of their browsing habits, allowing to develop a specific profile in order to display advertising based on the same. It is also possible that by visiting a website, or by opening an e-mail or message that publishes an ad or a promotion, a cookie is installed on the user’s browser for the purpose of subsequently displaying advertising related to previous searches, and developing a control of the ads concerning, for example, the number of their views, the location in which they appear, the times at which they are displayed etc.; or
  • Personalization cookies: they are those that allow the user to access the website, platform or application, with certain predefined generic features based on a series of criteria in the user’s computer, such as, for example, the language, the type of browser, etc.

In the event that the installation of cookies entails processing personal data, such processing will be governed, in addition, by VREF’s privacy policy.


NameTypeSource (provider)DescriptionDuration
_gaanalytics.jsGoogle analyticsIt is used to distinguish users.2 years
_gidanalytics.jsGoogle analyticsIt is used to distinguish users.24 hours
_gatanalytics.jsGoogle analyticsIt is used to restrict the percentage of requests.1 min
pll_languageanalytics.jswpglobus-languageIt is used to identify the language of the browser.24 hours

Moreover, along with the cookies described, the Website uses technical cookies that enable the functioning and the provision of the services offered in the same.


The information stored in the cookies of the Website is used by VREF.


You will be able, at any moment, to withdraw the consent granted for the use of cookies or, as the case may be, to allow, disable, block and remove the cookies installed in your device through the settings of the options of the browser installed on your device.

Almost all of the browsers allow to give notice of the presence of cookies or to reject them automatically. If you reject them, you will keep being able to use our Website, but the use of some of its services may be limited and thus, your experience in our Website may be less satisfactory.

The following links describe how to set the main browsers to deactivate cookies:

We recommend checking the instructions and guidelines of the browser utilized by the user to obtain more information on the functioning and control of cookies.

For more information about the removal, disabling or block of cookies, please visit:


The access and/or use by the user of the Website will be governed by the version of the Cookie Policy that is published in such Website at any given time. Thus, every time the user accesses and/or uses the Website, or any of its contents or services, he/she will have to read this Cookie Policy in detail. At any event, when significant changes are made, they will be communicated to the users via a notice at the Website, and as the case may be, they will be asked for their consent again.


If you have any doubts, comments or suggestions concerning the Cookie Policy, please write to: